
Corroding, skinsoils like the skin of a fruittoo long spared the peel.Too long denied the hot-dip, youth is eaten by oxygen.New necklace, cold-pressed to the neck, glitters.You feel every link,but blood beneath warmseven the thickest of bands.The weight of it fades,plating your cave chest. Jeweledstalactites drip luster in stale lungair, a perfect medium to housesuch…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
Nancy Novitch

Nancy Novitch is finding her place in the writing world, one line at a time. Based in Portland, Oregon, she enjoys living in and learning from the rain. Her debut collection of Poetry, Your War Won, will be available in October 2016.

Ryan Gajda

Ryan Gajda is an illustrator based in Bristol, UK. He spends a large amount of his time making scratchy portraits of Bill Murray and you can see more of his work on Instagram: @ryangajda or Twitter: @ryangajda. He also has a blog: where he posts a new piece of work every Tuesday and has done for the last three and a half years (in spite of overwhelming public apathy).

First Featured In: No. 6, winter 2016

The Adventure Issue

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