Blood Stripes

If there’s something in the milk, thenthe milk ain’t clean and you arestanding in ruins.My boot on grass won’t grow roots—boot in sanderodes foot-fleshso when spirit hits boot—it’s already home.Home is an intersectionof joy and painso boots gotta run—like Whitehouse paint.When I stand in ruins—praise Godthat I cannot tell the differencebetween the weeping and the…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
Aaron Graham

Aaron Graham is the poetry editor for Muse/A Journal, assistant poetry editor for The Tishman Review, and co-editor of the Squaw Valley Review. An alumnus of Squaw Valley Poets, he is the current “Cecilia Baker Memorial Scholar” with Seaside Writers. Aaron is a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, where he served in The Marine Corps as a Human Intelligence operative and linguist under the auspices of Counterintelligence and Anti-Terrorism Force Protection. His chapbook, Skyping from a Combat Zone, was a finalist for Tupelo Press’s Sunken Garden Prize, and his full-length collection, Blood Stripes, was a finalist for The Berkshire Poetry Prize. Aaron is finishing his PhD at Emory University and teaches at Kennesaw State University.

Brian Demers

Brian is a graduate of the Art Institute with a BA in Game Art and Design. Currently, he is a project manager for Electronic Arts. He prefers to work in ink.

First Featured In: No. 8, summer 2017

The Resurrection Issue

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