Primum non nocere

Flash Fiction Contest WinnerI was fifth in line at the lobby Starbucks when I saw the yellow giraffes, orange lions, and purple hippos go by. The dad, her widower, carried the same 20-pound infant carrier I picked out for Nick two years ago, before he was born. Navy, with a tan liner printed with stylized…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
A. W. Hall

Amy W. Hill is a North Carolina native and a graduate of Duke University, where she studied English. Her writing has appeared in Duckbill Anthology. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.

Dana Martin

Illustrator Dana Martin was born in New Mexico and has been roaming ever since. She received a BFA at Montserrat College of Art, as well as a severe tea addiction that she maintains to this day. Her work was featured in CMYK’s Top New 100 Creatives, and has appeared in such magazines as Ploughshares, Pantheon, and Spellbound. Find more of her art at

First Featured In: No. 3, winter 2015

F(r)iction #3

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