Writers Talking About Anything but Writing
Words By Laura Villareal and Eloisa Amezcua, Art By Vecteezy
An Interview with Eloisa Amezcua on Rocks, Skincare, and Costco
Writers Talking About Anything but Writing is a series of interviews in which we ask writers to take a break from trying to document the world and just kinda chill out in it for a while.
Laura Villareal (LV)
Out of the topics you listed the one that stuck out to me the most was rocks. It’s so unlike the others. Tell me more about your interest in rocks. When did that interest begin? Do you collect rocks?
Eloisa Amezcua (EA)
I had a rock collection (a caboodle filled with rocks, geodes, and gemstones) when I was little. Sometimes I’d just take them out one by one, hold them for a while and feel the different textures. Somewhere in my adolescence I lost track of my caboodle or my mom gave it away or it went in the trash—maybe I thought I was too cool for rocks (what was I thinking?!). I started up a new collection sometime in college, I think. I kept a few rocks on my dresser which turned into a jar of rocks which is now a giant bowl plus a variety scattered throughout the house. Most of the rocks in my collection are found—I’m often looking down at the ground when walking outdoors, searching for a good one to add. There are a few that are bought (Moonlight Gemstones in Marfa, TX is AMAZING), mostly rare agates and geodes, but a majority are from different places I’ve visited. I think it’s so cool to be able to hold something that is ancient, that was once part of something much bigger. I think that’s what most draws me to them—I like to imagine their past lives as mountains or stars or as part of the ocean floor.
Oh wow, I love that last thought about their past lives. Out of your collection, do you have a favorite rock? What does it look like and what does it make you feel when you hold it?
I want to say that I have a favorite rock but I do and my favorite rock isn’t one I hold or touch often. I have a large (maybe 20 oz) piece of Turkish agate that doesn’t live in the bowl with the rest of the rocks. But I do prefer to hold some rocks over others depending on my mood—do I want something smooth versus something textured.
When I was young my dad would take my brother and me “rock hunting,” more commonly known as rockhounding, for geodes and agates. Have you ever been rockhounding before?
I went to Montessori for one year as a child and every day we’d go on nature walks around the school. We were encouraged to pick things up, examine them, and follow our curiosities. I think my first rock collection began soon thereafter. My family took a trip to northern Arizona where I remember going rockhounding for geodes. I didn’t find any but my parents let me buy one at the gift shop. I tend to rockhound now on a regular basis—in parks or forests, on the beach, in parking lots, everywhere.
What’s the coolest rock or object you’ve ever found while out rockhounding?
If I’m being honest, I tend to think that each new rock I find when rockhounding is the coolest. I’ve seen you talk a little about skincare on Twitter.
I love Korean skincare products myself. What are some of your favorite products?
I swear by three products that have really changed my life over the past year. I have rosacea, which doctors have told me is common with my particular type of dysautonomia, POTS. It used to be very severe to the point where I’d avoid making plans in the early evening when my flare ups were worst. Most days, my face felt like it was on fire. It’s gotten better in recent months, as my overall daily health has improved, but these products made a huge difference and continue to put in work: True Botanicals CALM Pure Radiance Oil (I use this in place of moisturizer), DR. JART+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment (it reduces redness all day—most flare ups go unseen), and Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream (it’s the perfect consistency and provides great coverage without being too matte or cakey).
Self-care is really important during times like these. Is there one skincare product that makes you feel luxurious whenever you use it?
For me, self-care isn’t so much about what product I’m using but about when I’m using it. I love face masks after a long day, whether it’s a $3 sheet mask from Target or Origins Mega-Mushroom Soothing Mask. What I love about masks is that they force you to relax, or at the very least, to be still and/or quiet. Plus, the joy of taking them off and seeing even the slightest improvement in your skin—whether it’s more hydrated, brighter, smoother—is an instant self-esteem boost. I travel often and when I do, I always make sure to pack a mask!
Yes! That’s a great point facemasks do make you slow down in a wonderful way. Let’s talk about the magical world of buying in bulk. How often do you go to Costco and what’s your favorite part?
The last year I lived in Arizona, I lived right next to a Costco. I mean that literally—the side gate to my apartment complex spit you out into the Costco parking lot. I went most frequently to get gas—shout out to Kirkland Signature Gasoline!—and for the pharmacy (the lowest prices on almost all of my meds). As a person living alone (and now with my partner), buying in bulk doesn’t always make sense except when it comes to the following products: Smuckers Uncrustables, toilet paper, chips, LaCroix sparkling water, and Downy Unstoppables. I will say though, the main reason I go to Costco isn’t to buy in bulk, it’s for the hotdogs. I love hotdogs, specifically Costco hotdogs. For $1.50 you can buy a decently-sized all-beef hotdog AND it comes with a drink! Where else can you find a deal like that for lunch? I’ll tell you the answer: nowhere. If I’m feeling extra luxurious, I’ll throw in a churro too.
Oh my god, that’s the best answer. I also like that you go for Uncrustables—I’m pretty sure I learned patience from waiting for them to thaw. Now that you don’t live in Arizona do you still go to Costco for hotdogs or do you have a new go to hotdog location?
Well there’s a Costco here in Columbus that I go to maybe once a month, but! BUT! I went two weeks ago and they changed the hotdog bun. Laura, I was livid. No more sesame seeds. The bun to dog ratio is totally off. I gave myself a week to cool off, went back to Costco last weekend and tried it again, and I’m not thrilled with the change. The wound is still fresh. I’m still processing.
As for other hotdog locations, there’s an amazing place here in Columbus called Dirty Frank’s. Really great topping options, you can get the dog split and charred, solid onion rings…It might just be my favorite restaurant in the city.
I feel like often times people love foods because they’re a source of nostalgia or comfort. Are hotdogs like that for you? Is there a food that always makes you feel comforted and nostalgic?
I don’t know if my love of hotdogs comes from a nostalgic place but I definitely consider them a personal comfort food. Foods that make me nostalgic are any that remind me of my mom’s cooking, particularly breakfast foods: chilaqulies, moyetes, papas con chorizo, huevos rancheros. Damn, I’m hungry again.
Okay last question: Strawberry or Grape Uncrustables?
Grape. 100%.