Bodily Autonomy in the Murderbot Diaries: Martha Wells Interviews Herself and ART

Welcome, dear reader, to our newest F(r)iction feature: In World Interview. Today, NYT bestselling author, Martha Wells, is joined by two of her favorite characters to discuss the topic of Bodies. Take it away, Martha . . . I’m Martha Wells, the author of the science fiction book series The Murderbot Diaries. The main character, Murderbot, is a…

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The Body Eccentric

Bodies… we all have one. They are literally a part of each of us! (Yes, we went there.) We should, as the idiom goes, “know them like the backs of our hands.” And yet, the truth is that our bodies hold a whole mess of mysteries, and quite a few of them, we take for granted every single day. Let’s take a look at five baffling body enigmas: The Body…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.