& ? or I Only Dream When I’m in love

I keep dreaming about you & we’re kissing & this time we’re running rough through the parking lot to the party & Jensen’s racing us & complaining about how gross our cute is & you ask me if I’m wearing something sexy like a shark bra & I say something stupid like You’ll find out…

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Tyler Friend

Tyler Friend is an apricot/human hybrid grown in Tennessee, and they received their MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. They are the founding editor of the online poetry magazine Francis House and the author of the chapbook Ampersonate. Their poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tin House, Hobart, and Mud Season Review, where they received Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations. Their website is www.tylerfriend.ink and they can be found on Instagram @photo.tyf.

Daniel Reneau

Daniel is a Denver-based illustrator skilled in digital and traditional mediums, and specializes in horror, fantasy, science fiction, and comic book illustration. He is the co-creator of the graphic novel Zombiraq, a winner of the 2013 L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Award, and a graduate of the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Learn more at www.danielbdemented.carbonmade.com.

First Featured In: No. 11, summer 2018

The Islands Issue

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