November Literary Horoscopes


The Ram / Courageous, Adventurous, Independent / Domineering, Selfish, Arrogant

Now that it’s pumpkin spice season, you might want to cool it with the nightly shenanigans (unless you remember to bring a coat). In November, you’ll have an opportunity to see things for what they are—try not to bury your head in the sand afterward.

Or, you know, find a shovel. But read this story pick first.

  • Teaser: “The sound
    reverberated so deeply I felt it in my chest; diffuse and reflective. Above it,
    notes broke like raindrops on the sea.”


The Bull / Loyal, Friendly, Resourceful / Self-Indulgent, Possessive, Greedy

No spoilers or anything, but you’re headed for shaky ground in the friend department. Try to stabilize one of your relationships by examining the foundation. In the end, maybe you’ll need to rip out the floorboards and start fresh.

When you need a break, I have the perfect treat for you.

  • Teaser: The
    third time the boy is resurrected, his feet are nearly burned to blisters. He
    had not seen the careful mound of salt the owners here had lined around their


The Twins / Intelligent, Adaptable, Creative / Moody, Opportunistic, Inconsistent

November is shaping up to be a great time for you! Continue the trend and treat yourself to something sweet, shiny, or stylish. As if that isn’t enough, a potential fling might walk into your life around the 18th.

Consider this charming story pick an added bonus.

  • Teaser: “She always thought of brown sugar when her
    feet sank just an inch or so into warm, slightly damp sand. This sand, this
    beach was no different.”


The Crab / Honest, Generous, Faithful / Insecure, Needy, Crabby

It’s time to work it, Cancer! If there’s something extra you’ve wanted to take on, this is the time to take the metaphorical plunge. You’ll be smacked by a confidence boost early in the month, which will hopefully inspire you to dropkick any pesky doubts.

Let’s cap off this fist-pumping month with some exceptional reading.

  • Teaser: “Your face is the
    first to fade from memory; still your voice, a bow caressing the strings of a
    cello, holds me close. Your scent, evergreens dipping to the sea shore, calms
    me on days when I cannot locate your name.”


The Lion / Cheery, Noble, Imaginative / Demanding, Boastful, Melodramatic

You might be cast in the role of peacekeeper for this year’s production of “Awkward Family Holiday Functions at So and So’s House in the Armpit of Town.” Try not to let any negativity get to you, and enjoy spending time with the good eggs in your family.

Before you settle in, though, crack open this truly stunning read.

  • Teaser: “Years later, children will tell your story
    around campfires. They’ll sit shoulder-to-shoulder, clutching their elbows,
    whispering about you. Of course, you can’t know that now. You just know he’s


The Maiden / Practical, Diligent, Kind / Obsessive, Self-Righteous, Compulsive

Last month was a topsy-turvy ride, and I wish I could tell you November will be different (I’m winking, if you can’t tell). On the plus side, you’ll get the chance to solve a crisis at work, which will knock the socks off your boss. On the not-so-fun side, a relationship in your life might lose some ground.

Keep doing you with this captivating 100-word piece.

  • Teaser: “The rest of the house is locked up tight, suffocatingly cold, because
    the psychic said that ghosts only return to the drafts of their deaths.”


The Scales / Compassionate, Trustworthy, Peacemaker / Disorganized, Materialistic, Indecisive

Your compassionate, trustworthy nature will be put to the test over the holidays. Honestly, that might say a lot more about the people around you. Remember to set aside time for yourself—maybe take a mental health day, or plan a sun-drenched/margarita-filled vacation. You’ve earned it, kiddo.

Save this gorgeous story pick for your plane ride.

  • Teaser: “Her name was Dana, sometimes; her taxonomy morphed to match her mood.
    She married young, white lace arms clutching the man every girl wanted to net.
    She was his queen, he, her monarch, at least for a summer.”


The Scorpion / Purposeful, Charismatic, Cunning / Aggressive, Manipulative, Possessive

In November, the torch will pass to you. You know what I say? Go crazy with it! Kick back and enjoy your month. For the foreseeable future, the stars are gloriously aligned in your favor. Full speed ahead, you charmer.

And don’t forget your story pick(s).

  • Teaser: “As Simon talks, years pass, marked by the back and forth passing of geese shadows in a V formation. The flock gets sparser with each pass.”


The Archer / Straightforward, Optimistic, Adventurous / Careless, Impatient, Hotheaded

Winter is right around the corner, which means you might be feeling antsy (just a smidge). I know you’re dreaming of snow, hot cocoa, and bonfires, but you’ll have to rein yourself in for a little longer. Distract yourself with some spandex-gym-time or an old-fashioned friend date.

Of course, this monthly read might be the best distraction of all.

  • Teaser: “And Beth always drove. Champagne-colored Saturn, we called it the Bullet, but it looked like ET with those pop-up headlights. She’d pull up the driveway and do a quick high-pitched honk, the Alien Cry.”


The Mountain Sea-Goat / Traditional, Responsible, Ambitious / Unforgiving, Blunt, Pessimistic

October might have been about feeding your gremlins, but November is the time to buckle down and dive into work. I know you hate networking, but an opportunity will drop into your lap at the height of the month. Schmooze with the best of them, my friend.

Don’t forget your story pick for all those bathroom escapes—er, I mean breaks.

  • Teaser: “It’s Sunday afternoon and the big pot of marinara simmering on the
    stove looks like blood. ‘Nana,’ you call out, unwinding your scarf from your
    neck and dropping your keys into the cut-crystal bowl by the sink.”


The Water-Bearer / Intellectual, Open-Minded, Outgoing / Unpredictable, Self-Conscious, Chaotic

Try not to rely on others too much this season. You got to revisit old relationships last month—kudos on being the winner, ahem, I mean bigger person—but now is the time to look inward. Give your future some serious thought, and think about where you see yourself in five years. The answer can’t be a shack in the woods. Mostly because I already took it (sorry not sorry).

When you’re done meditating, I have a gorgeously penned story for you.

  • Teaser: “Under Caitlyn’s belly grew
    a part neighbour boy, part hurricane. She told us it would be a girl, bigger
    than all of us because it came from us. We bent our heads forward to hear it
    gathering strength.”


The Fish / Charitable, Intuitive, Artistic / Timid, Impractical, Indolent

Good news, Pisces! You should be a magnet for monetary goodness this month. Toward the end of November, you’ll also find two cuties in your orbit. Enjoy some good old-fashioned wooing and paint the town red. Oh, you don’t know what that means? I don’t feel old at all.

Anyway! Save this flash fiction piece for a morning treat.

  • Teaser: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Mallory veered off the path without a pad or pencil, yet she took notes.”
Alyssa Jordan

Alyssa Jordan is a freelance writer in California. Her work has appeared in publications like Every Day Fiction, Reflex Fiction, 100 Word Story, and CHEAP POP. She may or may not be addicted to stories about reapers, particularly ones with food addictions.

Joana Coccarelli

Joana Coccarelli (a.k.a. narghee-la) is a collage artist, 41, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Most of her images are handmade, scissor-and-glue style, with no digital interventions. Joana had 21 of her creations featured on Liberdade até Agora storybook—half of them made especially for the book. Top Brazilian newspaper Folha de S., and jeweler/accessories designer Camilla Danunziata's website have also featured Joana's works—as well as Swiss magazine Denaris, top lowbrow art magazine Zupi, and online magazine Revista Machado.

Top fashion/arts website Lilian Pacce made a special article about Joana's works. One of her images was chosen to be the cover art of Sartre and Post-humanist Humanism, by America philosopher Elizabeth Butterfield. Amazing collage artist Claudio Parentela published an interview featuring Joana. In 2015, she was part of the "You Know You Can Buy It" exhibition in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Joana was also part of the lowbrow art collective Her works are often shown at Arte Araka, a top multiart event which takes place once a month in Rio de Janeiro.