November Literary Horoscopes
Words By Alyssa Jordan, Art By Joana Coccarelli
The Ram / Courageous, Adventurous, Independent / Domineering, Selfish, Arrogant
Embrace your true self this month. Don’t put on any airs with friends or family members or roommates. Instead, wear those worn but comfy clothes, buy that baked good over three-point-five berries; opt for indulgences over a harsh regimen. You deserve a break and, frankly, 2020 has been kind of a nightmare.
First thing’s first: Crack open this raw, stunning read:
- Configurations & November, by Laura Fairgrieve
- Teaser: “November whispers purgatory / wrings its hands until / sound sleep and shivers / slough off of its skin”
The Bull / Loyal, Friendly, Resourceful / Self-Indulgent, Possessive, Greedy
Last month was all about campy movies and old habits. November won’t be quite as exciting, but it won’t have any big downers, either. Use this time to start thinking about your goals for 2021. I might be biased, but I have a feeling that the new year will be one of your best yet.
Celebrate with this fun and offbeat story. It has teeth, after all.
- Heads of State, by the X-R-A-Y Staff
- Teaser: “They hold me to it. George and Ross’s heads roll over to me. Bill rubs his belly, and it’s time. They take me, and I hold the heads in my arms. Bill and Lynnie sing to me. Chant to me. Like I’m the only one.”
The Twins / Intelligent, Adaptable, Creative / Moody, Opportunistic, Inconsistent
Treat dreary November as an opportunity to make up for lost time. (What? It’s all about October and December). When it comes to creative projects, the heart of autumn is your time to shine. So, don’t give in to your moodiness or inconsistent nature all the time. C’mon, I know you can do it!
Your reward is this touching yet inventive read:
- Makeisha in Time, by Rachael K. Jones
- Teaser: “Makeisha has always been able to bend the fourth dimension, though no one believes her.”
The Crab / Honest, Generous, Faithful / Insecure, Needy, Crabby
It’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! This means you can dive into a new project and immerse yourself in all that goodness. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the drama around you. Stay in that cocoon, friend.
After you read your story pick, of course.
- Jawbreakers, by Maura Yzmore
- Teaser: “Behind Mitch’s parents stood two creatures. A tall, thin woman with long white hair and large ivory horns, wearing several necklaces heavy with human teeth.”
The Lion / Cheery, Noble, Imaginative / Demanding, Boastful, Melodramatic
Since it’s officially pumpkin-spice-everything-nice season, you’ll be in a cheery and hyper mode. A few changes will come your way around the 16th, though. That would be a bummer for most people, but you’re a rock star when it comes to this stuff. Keep being your fabulous self!
Start by digging into this poignant read.
- The Liberation of Scarlet Little, by Sara Dobbie
- Teaser: “And now sure enough, she finds herself dazzled by glass and steel, by crowds of faces. Thankful for the sense of invisibility in this new world, yet longing for the green fields of home.”
The Maiden / Practical, Diligent, Kind / Obsessive, Self-Righteous, Compulsive
Now that October has ended, you might want to cool it with the nightly shenanigans (unless you remember to bring a parka). This month, you’ll have an opportunity to see things for what they are—not how you want them to be. No judgment if you need to shove your head in the sand.
Or, you know, find a shovel. But read this story pick first.
- Down and Out Together, by Nick Olson
- Teaser: “Down in tunnel-dark, light slices past manhole cracks, like peeking up through vertical keyhole, decaying stink, and I never really saw her until I could barely see her at all.”

The Scales / Compassionate, Trustworthy, Peacemaker / Disorganized, Materialistic, Indecisive
Some butter-side down days will hit near the end of autumn. If you’re so inclined, try a little maximum effort and turn that frown upside down (sorry, dad humor). When you’re not channeling your inner Deadpool—yikes but also freaking awesome—spend extra time with loved ones to make up for the cloudy days.
My recommendation? Distract yourself with some gorgeous poetry.
- fable at the boundary of the dream, by Emily Liu
- Teaser: “the way sleep begins as speculation, marmoreal / & lush. the mind loosening its ropes on the body”
The Scorpion / Purposeful, Charismatic, Cunning / Aggressive, Manipulative, Possessive
For you, the flavor of November is a Jack-Skellington-style-romance. Halloween may be over, but you can still channel The Nightmare Before Christmas. So, buy extra breath mints and whisk your partner away for some hot n’ heavy dates. We’re talking shower-singing levels of happiness here. It’s your month, after all!
And check out this fantastic story pick.
- Two Stories, by Tara Isabel Zambrano
- Teaser: “For their wedding in a temple on a lone hill, she wears a transparent red dress, a black veil over her face resembling a cobweb. A rose garland on his frail-white frame, electric-blue shades taped on his pointed nose.”
The Archer / Straightforward, Optimistic, Adventurous / Careless, Impatient, Hotheaded
If last month was ripe with good times, then November will be more of a contemplative period for you. You might even forget about the latest holiday. And that’s fine. This year, you won’t be interested in celebrating with turkey or pie. Stay true to the course, friend—it’ll be winter before you know it.
In the meantime, I have just the story for you.
- Tastings, by Colin Lubner
- Teaser: “Everyone is already gone, but the dregs of their drinks remain. Shuffling along the bar, glugging flat half-glasses of IPAs and DIPAs and Belgians, he catalogs their tastes: lipstick, cigarettes. Forty flavors of bitterness.”
The Mountain Sea-Goat / Traditional, Responsible, Ambitious / Unforgiving, Blunt, Pessimistic
Start this month with a bang. October may have been all about family, but November will be a full-steam-ahead kind of month. Finish old projects and embrace the end of the year. Change is ahead, my friends. Don’t freak out—that’s a good thing.
Your monthly read awaits, too.
- Mirror, Mirror, by Mileva Anastasiadou
- Teaser: “The girl in the mirror waves from afar, like she doesn’t care. She doesn’t recognize me, like I have unzipped me to come out as somebody else.”
The Water-Bearer / Intellectual, Open-Minded, Outgoing / Unpredictable, Self-Conscious, Chaotic
November will be a tedious month of boredom for you. Try to ride it out so your brain can recharge (stop to smell the roses and all that). While you’ll enjoy the next few weeks, it’ll still be an unremarkable time for you. Around the 20th, commune with nature or try retail therapy.
And read your story pick, of course.
- Dad, by Jo Withers
- Teaser: “We knew it was mean but when Dad started losing his mind, we persuaded him he was dead already.”
The Fish / Charitable, Intuitive, Artistic / Timid, Impractical, Indolent
October was all about having fun and embracing your marshmallow center. Think of November as “opposite day,” so put on that game face gathering dust in your closet, and prepare for a few anvils in your professional or personal life. Sorry to break it to you!
Try to recover with this mesmerizing read:
- The Scuttler, by Emily Livingstone
- Teaser: “In bed, it was so quiet, I heard the acorns drop from the oaks onto the graves as if someone was knocking.”