My Pleasure

I was in line with Dylan and Tanner at Chick-Fil-A when Dylan started on again about how every employee is mandated to say it after a customer orders: “My pleasure.”“Remember: they won’t say it this time,” Dylan said, sitting on the fingerprinted handrail. “So we won’t get a free sandwich.” Tanner scratched his boulder-sized shoulders,…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
Ross Reagan

Ross Reagan writes short stories that advocate for the underdog. He is an MFA candidate studying fiction at Colorado State University. His previous work as a journalist has appeared in The Indianapolis Star where he also served as an Arts Journalism Fellow and Correspondent. He is an avid classic movie lover and theater-goer and still writes his first drafts on legal pads. In his spare time, he loves to volunteer, stay active in the LGBTQ community, and bug his Higher Power.

Noel Hill

Noel Hill is a Jersey-based digital artist. He has been drawing since he was four years old, and even at that age he knew that was what he wanted to do in the future. After graduating from high school, he promptly enrolled at The Joe Kubert School, where he learned a great deal from his teachers and classmates over three years. For more of his work, find him on Instagram @noelxhillart.

First Featured In: No. 16, summer 2020

The Monsters Issue

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