Kitchen Table MFA (ALL): Green thumb
Words By John McCracken, Art By Trudi Finess
This poem is part of the Kitchen Table MFA, a series that showcases writing communities through interviews and creative writing.
I scrape scabs
into scars from the cuts
I gave myself.
I sow them in the damp:
a familiar grit
a place to plant.
I long to be cut down,
sweetness drained from branches.
I hoped for evergreen.
For now I will settle for not dying
beneath the grit.
I can’t see myself
in this foliage anymore.
I refuse to stumble upon myself
cut down on the forest floor,
moss-covered, unforgivable.
Read Nancy Reddy’s interview with ALL here. Also check out the work of other ALL members Steve Tomasko, Marilyn Annucci, and Jesse Lee Kercheval.