January Literary Horoscopes
Words By Alyssa Jordan, Art By Joana Coccarelli
The Ram / Courageous, Adventurous, Independent / Domineering, Selfish, Arrogant
Look at 2021 as 2020: The Redo. December might have been wishy-washy, but January will be a seize-the-day kind of month. Break out your New Year’s resolutions and embrace 2021 like it’s going out of style. Don’t forget to live in the moment, too—the now is everything.
And you have two story picks this month. After 2020, I thought you deserved a treat.
- Two Astro Love Stories, by Cathy Ulrich
- Teaser: “When she comes home from space, the astronaut will feel so heavy. She will lift her arms from her sides, marvel at the immense weight of them.”
The Bull / Loyal, Friendly, Resourceful / Self-Indulgent, Possessive, Greedy
Now is the time to play your cards, Taurus! If there’s something extra you’ve wanted to take on, this is the time to do it to it. A confidence boost should lighten your steps by the end of the month. So, those insecurities don’t stand a chance.
But first, this mesmerizing read:
- Catalog of Small Things, by Quinn Forlini
- Teaser: “She took cold showers. She ate peanut butter sandwiches, drank chocolate milk, and watched re-runs of Bewitched. Maybe she could be a mother, after all.”
The Twins / Intelligent, Adaptable, Creative / Moody, Opportunistic, Inconsistent
Let’s be honest: December wasn’t half bad. You got to feed your inner gremlin. Be a holiday junkie. Turn into a carnivorous houseplant—all that fun stuff. This month, though, you’ll be coming down from your sugar high. In fact, indecision may visit you on the daily.
Combat nauseating January by stocking up on good stories and poems. Speaking of…
- We Drive The Rattling Yellow Pickup, by Lynn Finger
Teaser: “If the river flowed only once a year we would / be drunk on the whole expanse of it, / we are the riff in this song, / we gulp birds & frogs & cattails, / because here we are, this is the day.”
The Crab / Honest, Generous, Faithful / Insecure, Needy, Crabby
Don’t worry about high tides, you responsible stick-in-the-mud—just kidding!—because it looks like calm waters ahead. You might even feel on top of the world for the next 31-ish days. Oh, and keep your peepers open: A new relationship is on the way!
I have just the story pick for you, too.
- Supernova, by Chloe N. Clark
- Teaser: “When we finally met, it was at the library where I worked. I was shelving books on astronomy. ‘Did you know the bigger a star, the shorter its lifespan?’ someone asked from behind me.”
The Lion / Cheery, Noble, Imaginative / Demanding, Boastful, Melodramatic
In January, you’ll want to stay with the stars. Honestly, the holidays can have that effect on the best of us. Keep your feet on the ground with some tough love and good ol’ fashioned discipline. You might sparkle in summer, but you can shine in winter, too.
When you need a break, here’s a monthly story pick that’s just for you:
- Oh, the Water, by Sarah Freligh
- Teaser: “You’re across the bar jingling quarters in your cupped palm, blue-faced from the light of the jukebox, looking for songs that aren’t there when a woman wearing a purple tutu on her head says she’ll read my palm for a shot and a beer.”
The Maiden / Practical, Diligent, Kind / Obsessive, Self-Righteous, Compulsive
Some sticky days are in your January forecast. Bad news aside, you only need to put in a lot of effort to turn that frown upside down (sorry, dad humor). Schedule some extra Skype calls and visit your loved ones to make up for it. And treat yourself to a little TLC, of course.
My recommendation? Read this great story pick:
- The Sunnier Side of the Street, by DS Levy
- Teaser: “When we get back to the river, other drifters amble along hoping we’ll share, and sometimes if we’re feeling the fellowship, we’ll offer a short pull. Otherwise, forget it. River rules: There are no rules.”
The Scales / Compassionate, Trustworthy, Peacemaker / Disorganized, Materialistic, Indecisive
They say Leos can be great partners for balanced folks like yourself. This month, take the opportunity to declare some romantic intentions (virtual style!) Knowing you, the whole thing will be disorganized and just a tad over-the-top. Be true to yourself, but maybe don’t ask to meet their parents yet.
In the meantime, check out your story pick for January.
- Craig, by Joy Martin
- Teaser: “Like how the first thing you did when you were alone with him was to press the release valve over his heart and listen quietly while he spilled words that came out trailing dust from being held in for so long, subtly coated in disbelief that someone could do this, one random night at 1 a.m. in a nightclub.”
The Scorpion / Purposeful, Charismatic, Cunning / Aggressive, Manipulative, Possessive
Congrats, you made it to 2021! I wasn’t sure if you would still be in one piece (I kid, I kid). According to my tarot cards, this should be your best New Year yet. Start January right and make a few changes in your life. No need for olive branches—psh, that’s not you—but put that ambitious nature to good use.
On the way, dip your toes into this fantastic read.
- The Boy Did Better In Winter, by Corey Farrenkopf
- Teaser: “Both turned to the child, whose mouth had dropped open, unhinging, jaw distending to mid chest. There were no teeth inside, only a gaping darkness, wide enough to fit a grown man’s shoulders, wide enough to fit the universe, every star in the sky.”
The Archer / Straightforward, Optimistic, Adventurous / Careless, Impatient, Hotheaded
Since it’s the New Year, you’ll be in hyper-go-mode. This past year has been hard for most people (to put it lightly). I know staying indoors drives you crazy, but you’re almost to the finish line—do whatever it takes and hold out a little longer. Lap those stairs between your bed and your work station. Call friends. Read, read, read.
Speaking of, this story pick is sure to hit all the notes for you.
- Heartbreak In a Polaroid Cartridge, by Jacob Smith
- Teaser: “He snaps a photo, listens to the whir. Crawling into his car, Jackson turns the ignition and sets out toward Sarasota, his window down, Polaroids trailing his exhaust like orange oak leaves.”
The Mountain Sea-Goat / Traditional, Responsible, Ambitious / Unforgiving, Blunt, Pessimistic
Man, you’re killing it, Capricorn! Winter looks like a stellar time for you. The stars will be aligned in your favor till the 19th. Having said that, there might be a pinch of negativity toward the end of the month (come on, don’t groan). Enjoy your time in the limelight before you go back to being your responsible self.
Start by cracking open this gorgeous read.
- And Even Still the Blues, by Kate Finegan
- Teaser: “And I painted with a brush until you told me you’d like nothing better than to live surrounded by the whorls of my fingerprints, forever.”
The Water-Bearer / Intellectual, Open-Minded, Outgoing / Unpredictable, Self-Conscious, Chaotic
You had your fun in December, but now, it’s time to cut the holiday chord and get back to business. Try your hand at some much needed reflection. Think about your goals for the New Year; i.e., ponder what’s important and quit shelfing any pesky obligations.
Treat yourself with an enthralling story pick.
- Census, by Amy Barnes
- Teaser: “Once everyone is counted, the numbers don’t match from the notebook to the preliminary count I’ve been given to audit. I realize I haven’t counted myself. And I bear back down to count again but it’s too late, everyone has moved and changed clothes and changed families and homes and names.”
The Fish / Charitable, Intuitive, Artistic / Timid, Impractical, Indolent
It’s Jumpstart January, Pisces. This means you can ditch the storm cloud from 2020 and start fresh. After all, your adaptable nature is ripe for a transformation. Climb out of that cocoon so you can start planning for a new stage in your life.
But remember loved ones from the past, too. Try to keep their memories alive without losing yourself.
- Teaser: “and you’ll want to friend them back / for that split second before you remember / they’re dead—and more so in the hollow pause after”