Have A Nice Death

8:53 a.m., Friday, October 30th, 2066. I’m freezing my tuchus off, standing on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Washington. Behind me, in the window of the business, a gigantic digital clock is ticking cruelly while a 3D-animated cartoon man underneath it taps his wristwatch and repeats the phrase, “Don’t wait until the eleventh hour!”Steam…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
Brandon Keaton

Brandon Keaton is the author of the award- winning novel Transference, an indie-published sci-fi romp that was a finalist for Best Novel in the Sir Julius Vogel Awards. He is passionate about music, loves animals, and has a penchant for all things Fleetwood Mac. Brandon lives in New Zealand where he continues—on daily basis—to try and pull his own head from out of the clouds.

Daniel Reneau

Daniel Reneau is a Denver-based illustrator skilled in digital and traditional mediums, and specializes in horror, fantasy, science fiction, and comic book illustration. He is the co-creator of the graphic novel Zombiraq, a winner of the 2013 L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Award, and a graduate of the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Learn more at danielreneauartist.com.

First Featured In: No. 23, spring 2025

The Gods Issue

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