F(r)iction Staff Publications

Our amazing volunteer readers and editors hail from all over the world and bring unique perspectives and insights to our editorial process. But in addition, our staff members are also incredibly talented and award winning writers. Below you’ll find a showcase of staff publications running the gamut of literary styles and genres. Dive in and enjoy!

Thomas Chisholm

Senior Editor

Thomas Chisholm is an editor first and an aspiring creative writer second. When he works up the nerve, he writes a sort of auto-fiction rooted in the associative and dreamlike nature of memories. He’s particularly interested in false memories; the stories and photographs in our minds we swear were real, but everyone else from that time refutes. He’s also known to write essays from time to time.





Ally Geist

Junior Editor

Ally has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She’s studied playwriting, directing, and publishing, and she just can’t seem to stick to one genre! She loves any piece of writing that takes convention and rotates it 45 degrees. Ally’s writing is very “speakable”—she tends to write how she thinks and how she talks, even if it looks weird laid out on a page.




  • Nostalgia”, The Dalhousie Gazette, January 29, 2018

C.E. Janecek

Junior Editor & Communications Associate

C. E. Janecek is a Czech American poet interested in ecopoetics and multiplicities of form—evident in the manuscript they are currently pitching, The Tender Organs. Janecek graduated with an MFA in poetry from Colorado State University; has poems in Poetry, Gulf Coast, Cream City Review, Booth, and elsewhere; and is a freelance editor. Online at www.cewritespoems.com, geeking out about books at https://www.instagram.com/c.e.writespoems/, and writing articles on Medium at https://medium.com/@c.e.writespoems

Selected Poetry

Selected Book Reviews and Interviews

  • Review of Falling Back in Love with Being Human, Counter Arts
  • Review of The Man Grave, Colorado Review
  • Review of Pine by Julia Koets, Colorado Review
  • Review of My Husband Would by Benjamin S. Grossberg, Colorado Review
  • Interview with Kelly Weber, Colorado Review
  • Interview with Katherine Indermaur, Colorado Review
  • Read more poetry, reviews, and interviews at www.cewritespoems.com/writing

Dominic Loise

Content Creator & Staff Writer

Dominic (he/him) is a bookseller living in Chicago, Il., with his librarian wife and three rabbits. He is open about and advocates for mental health awareness in his writing. Before coming to Brink Literacy Project, Dominic was the Store Manager at Open Books, Chicago’s first literacy nonprofit bookstore. He was also on the planning committee and created virtual sessions for the Ray Bradbury Experience Museum. Find him @dominic_lives on Instagram & Twitter. 





Short Stories 

Jaclyn Morken

Junior Editor

Jaclyn writes fantasy and speculative fiction, most often about dreamers fighting their way out of darkness. Her stories typically start from the random snippets of dialogue and description that appear suddenly in her mind, which she’ll poke and prod until she has a story. She loves a good mix of ancient libraries, ominous forests, mountaintop castles, and unconventional heroism—and one day she’ll write a novel that features all of that.



  • Eight Cents.” Tethered by Letters: Dually Noted, 21 Mar, 2019,
  • Hidden” and  “Nowhereantilang. no. 1, page 34 – 35, 2018


Nate Ragolia

Communications & Marketing Director

Nate has always enjoyed writing about worlds that don’t exist… at least not yet. He’s long loved the potent allegory and contemplative power of science fiction, where idealism and real, human experience cross paths to give us a glimpse of possibility. He enjoys eavesdropping as a font for realistic and unexpected dialogue. You’re likely to find him petting dogs, playing video games, or exploring the world on foot.

Long Fiction:

Short Fiction: 

  • Script Doctor” (Oct. 2021, Outside In Wants to Believe: 156 New Perspectives on 156 X-FILES Universe Stories by 156 Writers, ATB Publishing)
  • Is It an Acute Shared Psychosis, or Is Your Boss A Monster of the Week?” (Oct. 2020, Outside In Trusts No One: 156 New Perspectives on 156 X-FILES and KOLCHAK Stories by 156 Writers, ATB Publishing) 
  • God Damn You, Henry Ford” (Feb. 2020, The Future Will Be Written By Robots, Spaceboy Books LLC)
  • “Support Group” (2018, Outside In Takes A Stab: 139 New Perspectives on 139 Buffy Stories by 139 Writers, ATB Publishing)
  • Ensign Friend” (Sept. 2017, Outside In Makes It So: 174 New Perspectives on 174 STAR TREK TNG Stories by 174 Writers, ATB Publishing)
  • Ruination” (2016, The Stoneslide Corrective)
  • Finleymania” (Sept. 2016, Boned: A Collection of Skeletal Writings)  


  • Alphabet Soup” (2020, South Broadway Ghost Society, Thought for Food)


Evan Sheldon

Editorial Director

Evan has been writing strange things for a very long time now. He likes to write contemporary fiction that plays with structure and deals with those odd occurrences that might, or might not, be real—depending on the reader. He is interested in deserted buildings, dark woods, dying towns, and the characters who frequent such places.

Long Fiction

Creative Nonfiction

