Dead Living

I wait in predawn gray for a rider.I’ve been home ten months, working for SEONS six, couch surfing and dodging questions about what I was doing back in town the whole time. After days without work, my phone buzzed me awake half an hour ago with a notification from SEONS, declaring I had a client…

Flaming fiddles, it looks like there’s a roadblock here! If you’d like to finish reading this piece, please buy a subscription—you’ll get access to the entire online archive of F(r)iction.
Conor Flannery

Conor Flannery is an MFA candidate at the University of Arkansas. His fiction has won the Carolyn F. Walton Cole Fellowship, the Lily Peter Fellowship, and the James T. Whitehead Award. He previously graduated with a Master of Arts in Creative Writing from the University of North Texas. This is his first publication.

Braden Maxwell

Braden Maxwell is an award-winning illustrator and internationally known educator. He completed his BA in Idaho and his MFA in Illustration from SCAD. Braden specializes in editorial, publishing, and advertising. On top of freelance work, Braden has worked as an educator focusing primarily on drawing fundamentals, painting, and digital techniques. Braden has shown his work in multiple juried shows in galleries across the United States, gaining acclaim from Illustration publications such as 3x3 magazine.

First Featured In: No. 23, spring 2025

The Gods Issue

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