Claire Camille Psychic and Tarot Readings
Words By Ellen Azevedo, Art By Ejiwa Ebenebe
Jennie R.

10 months ago
Claire is an angel! I’m very spiritual and I’ve been to A LOT of psychics over the years, so I know the real deal when I see it! I was going through a really hard time when I found Claire’s page. My cat had just died and she was my baby and my best friend. She got me through so many bad times! She was all I had when I was in a really abusive relationship for two years. I was so devastated by the loss of her light in my life that I couldn’t get out of bed for weeks! My boss didn’t understand AT ALL so I lost my job, and then I just felt so alone. I needed guidance and Claire totally helped me! She told me my cat was still with me and was acting as my spirit guide and I swear I could hear Pawdry Hepfurn purring as Claire spoke! She also saw success and wealth ahead and walked me through each of the cards, explaining their meaning and how it applied to my current situation and my future. Everything she said happened EXACTLY the way she said it would! I have a new job that pays way more than my old one and a new cat and I even got engaged, which she predicted! My life is SO much better because of Claire! I wish I still lived in California so I could get a reading from her again! Seriously, if you’re in a dark place GO SEE HER!
Sara A.

8 months ago
I’ve been a solitary practitioner of witchcraft since I was a child, so I have my own tarot sets and I’m well-versed in the practice of tarot in general. But sometimes it’s nice to have someone do a reading for you, especially when you’re feeling a bit unaligned, which I was.
When I arrived, I asked Claire if she had the Hanson-Roberts deck and was pleased to find she did. She actually had a great selection of decks, but I requested this one specifically because it is my favorite. I think it’s a very underrated deck. The lighthearted imagery has always been deeply calming for me and, as I said, I was feeling unaligned. I told Claire this when she asked why I chose the deck. I explained that I was feeling out of sorts and needed to focus on positive and affirming aspects of my life. That was the main reason I hadn’t done a reading for myself, I said. She seemed to understand and at first the reading was going really well. She had a strong understanding of the cards and she was reading them in more optimistic ways than I might have done myself in that moment, which was exactly what I wanted.
But then she pulled the Death card and everything fell apart. I don’t know what happened. She seemed like a completely competent reader up until that point. I guess she was just trying to con me because she instantly started wailing and clutching her chest and doing all the cliché things you see psychics in movies do when they pull the Death card. Anyone with any experience in tarot at all knows the Death card doesn’t literally mean death. But she was squeezing my hands and shouting at me that an evil presence was following me.
I left without paying her, so I didn’t lose any money to her con, but she definitely didn’t leave me with the feeling of positivity I’d been hoping for. I feel more uneasy than I did before I went to her. It was an extremely bad experience and I would not recommend Claire to anyone hoping to get a decent tarot reading.
Erin P.

7 months ago
TOTAL SCAM!!! Tarot, psychic divination, palmistry, etc. is supposed to be about HELPING people! A good reader puts you on your path to healing. Anytime someone tells you there’s a “dark spiritual presence” around you, it’s a MAJOR red flag. I think she could tell I wasn’t buying it because she didn’t pressure me to give her a bunch of money to “cleanse me of the dark presence” (I’ve had scam readers try that one before). Honestly though, I would have preferred if she asked me for money because at least I know how to deal with that. Instead she just grabbed my hands super tight (ow!) and told me I needed to protect myself, and that I should “leave town, wear amber, and never, ever be home alone.” WTF??? SO unprofessional and creepy! I hate to admit it but she was so intense, she got into my head. I keep thinking I can hear someone in my house and I keep thinking I’m seeing things out of the corners of my eyes. I know it was probably just a scheme to get money out of me, or I dunno maybe she’s just a sick weirdo who enjoys scaring people or whatever, but I’ve been MAJORLY creeped out since I went to see her. It was NOT a good experience. Don’t waste your money on this lady, she’s a psychO not a psychIC.
Amanda Q. 5 months ago
Can I please talk to you about your experience? The same thing happened to my friend before she died and I’m trying to get some answers. Please email me at mandybubbles84@hotmail.com.
Paul G.

7 months ago
Went here on a whim a couple nights ago before going out for drinks. I’m not really into this sort of thing. The friend I was with is a total believer though so I figured why not. Claire was a cool lady. She took a lot of time to explain the cards to me and stuff. She said love was knocking on my door and that night I went home with an awesome girl so we’ll see if it’s love lol. My friend said it was the best reading he’s ever had so that’s pretty high praise in my book.
Eric K.

7 months ago
Claire is the only person I go to for truth and clarity when my third eye is clouded by all of the energy pollution in the world. She is a true empath; so intuitive, focused, kind, and compassionate. Whenever I am at a cosmic crossroads, I seek her out and she guides me onto the path of hope and transcendence. She has this diaphanous yellow aura that shines brighter than her candles and fills my heart with a warm sense of well-being. Her readings are such insightful journeys. She knows what emotional space I am in the moment I walk through the door and gets right to work on cleansing me. A true wise woman and spiritual guide. Thank Diana for leading me to Claire! Blessed be!
Megan K.

6 months ago
I thought it was just one of those “a dark spirit is after you, pay me $900 and I’ll get rid of it” tricks because she said something was coming for me, that something evil was loose in our town and it was watching me. It sounded so ridiculous when she was saying it, but then I started… sort of seeing things? I know that makes me sound crazy and honestly it makes me feel crazy just talking about it, but I know I’m seeing… something. Whenever I’m walking home alone, it follows me, but I don’t know what “it” is, if it’s really a dark spirit or if someone’s stalking me… I feel like I’m going insane. Last night, I was brushing my teeth and I saw something move in the corner of my eye and I screamed so loud my neighbor came to check on me. She helped me search the whole apartment, but nothing was there. I was so freaked out that when she left, I realized I was still clutching my toothbrush. It took me forever to fall asleep because my heart was banging in my chest so loud and I was too afraid to turn the lights off, I was so jumpy. Every little sound was freaking me out, so I put on a TV show to try and distract myself and it kind of worked because I fell asleep around 3am, but then around 4am I was woken up by very loud screaming, so loud it was echoing. At first, I thought I was just having a nightmare but it kept going after I was fully awake. It was this really shrill, terrified screaming, like someone was being murdered in my living room, but the crazy thing was… it was my mom’s voice that was screaming. She was screaming and screaming my name and I ran into the living room to help her… but there was nothing there. The screaming stopped very suddenly and my heart was on fire and I was trembling so bad and I started crying. And then I felt something cold grab onto my ankle and I started screaming just like my mom’s voice had been and my neighbor came back and ended up staying with me all night. I have a nasty bruise on my ankle this morning and I can’t stop crying. Nothing like this ever happened to me before I went to see this lady, so I don’t know if she caused it or if she just warned me and it would’ve happened anyway, but I don’t think knowing is helping me. Just stay away from this woman, you’re better off… I think.
Amanda Q. 5 months ago
Would you be willing to tell me more about what Claire said to you? My friend had similar experiences just before she died. I’m trying to get answers. Please email me at mandybubbles84@hotmail.com
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
If you could even just respond here in a comment to tell me you’re still alive? Please?
Richard B.

5 months ago
It disgusts me to see some of these negative reviews on here. People don’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve been to Claire several times and I’ve always had great experiences. She’s never done or said anything weird to me. I think the people leaving bad reviews are probably just competitors who are threatened by Claire and trying to ruin her reputation. I’d be willing to bet that none of the negative reviews are from actual customers of Claire. It’s so annoying that they don’t verify customers on here. Anyone can say anything they want, even if it’s not true. Well don’t sweat the haters, Claire! Your real customers are loyal and know you’re the best. Honestly, Claire’s readings are always 100% accurate. She has a ton of experience and she knows what she’s doing. Go see her if you want a real reading.
Jennie R. 3 months ago
I agree! I can’t believe anyone would be so mean to Claire! She gave me an amazing reading! It really helped me get out of the dark place I was in!
Jason D.

6 months ago
Claire Camille completely changed my outlook. I had a good 9 to 5 job, a nice house, a wife, a dog, life should have been perfect right? Wrong. I just felt like something was off so I decided to get some professional help. I went to Claire and she started my reading and she pulled The Tower card right out the gates and I just knew, you know? I mean, I had no idea what the card meant, but at the same time I knew what it meant. She told me the card meant big change, and then she pulled The Fool, which is all about beginnings. She said my journey was about to start, and so I went home and I asked my wife for a divorce and I just got in my car and drove! It was completely crazy. But here I am, drinking margaritas on the beach in Mexico, working as a valet and I’m finally F-R-E-E my friends! Claire set me on a whole new path to a whole new life. So what if my parents wrote me out of their will? So what if my wife burned all of my clothes on the front lawn? So what if none of my friends are speaking to me? Life is GOOD amigos! Go see Claire, she’ll change your life!!! (I deducted one star because the parking is a nightmare, so it’s not super convenient if you’re in a hurry and also I’m pretty sure the incense she uses made me sick, I had a sore throat for like a week.)
Jaime C.

5 months ago
After reading some of the other reviews on here I’m trembling with fear. I went to Claire Camille and had the same experience as other reviewers. She told me there was a dark force stalking me and that it had already killed other girls. I’ve had hexes put on me before so I wasn’t too worried, I figured I could handle it. I know how to break a hex. But now there’s this thing. This awful thing I keep seeing but not seeing. The way it moves just isn’t right. I know a lot about witchcraft and voodoo and Santeria, lots of different kinds of magicks, but I’ve never seen a hex like this before. I’ve done everything I can think of to break it but it’s not working. I still see the thing. Nothing else has happened so far, but after reading the other reviews I’m afraid this woman put a really powerful hex on me. I’m afraid to close my eyes. I’m afraid to be alone. Claire Camille is into something seriously dark.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Please will you talk to me about your reading with Claire Camille? My friend who went to her had the same experiences as you and she died shortly after. Maybe I can help you. Email me at mandybubbles84@hotmail.com
Jaime C. 4 months ago
Did your friend really die? I’m shaking! How can you help me if you couldn’t help your friend? How do I know you’re not working with her to put this hex on me?
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
I promise you I’m not working with her and I’m not trying to hex you. My friend really did die after going to Claire Camille and I need answers about what happened to her. I need to know what led to her death. Please can we just talk?
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
I swear to you I’m not working with Claire Camille please please just talk to me.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Are you ok? Just let me know that you’re ok.
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Please respond.
Russell A.

5 months ago
I went here with my friend Amy and we had a real bad experience. It was kinda ok when she was doing my reading because she said pretty good stuff and most of it kinda came true, but she said some real real crazy stuff to Amy. Like she said all these hella creepy things about how some monster thing was after Amy and she totally weirded us out. It made me hella mad because Amy was super scared after that and it totally messed up our night. She’s been super scared for like 3 days now so I’ve been sleeping on her couch every night. It was really messed up. Don’t go to this chick she’s so crazy.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Hi. Is your friend ok? I’m asking because my friend also had a bad experience with Claire Camille. I’m trying to figure out what happened to her. Would you be willing to email me and tell me more about what happened with your friend’s reading? My email is mandybubbles84@hotmail.com.
Russell A. 4 months ago
No she’s not ok. She died a couple days ago.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
I’m so sorry. I know how awful it is, my friend died too. I know it feels like the whole world should stop turning and just stand still in agony. But that’s why I really need to talk to you. Something is going on, I know it is. I can feel it in the pit of my heart. I need to know what happened to my friend. Please email me.
Russell A. 3 months ago
Leave me alone.
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Please. I’m begging you. Just talk with me and then I’ll leave you alone. I keep going over everything Sara told me about her experience, trying to think of something that would explain what happened. I go over and over it in my head but it feels like I’m just stuck in a loop. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t get her voice out of my head. Please help me.
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Please. I’m desperate. Please just email me.
Amanda Q.

4 months ago
I’m writing this review for Sara. I didn’t—don’t?—believe in this sort of thing. Psychics and all that, I mean. But Sara did. She was obsessed with it. When we were kids she used to make me go with her to the graveyard behind her house to have séances with her dad’s old Ouija board. The first time she asked me to go, I figured it was just a reaction to her sister’s death. I thought Sara wanted to talk to her. Say goodbye or something. But she never wanted to talk to her sister. Every time we went out to that graveyard—always on a full moon, our arms clutching white taper candles to our chests and little sachets of cinnamon in our pockets—she wanted to find people who had died young and talk to them. I think she was fascinated with death. With the meaninglessness of it. Nothing ever happened during those séances. We’d sit quietly in our little circle of golden candlelight. Sara usually closed her eyes, but I was watchful, turning my head from side to side, staring out across the grey headstones, which cast strange shadows in the silver light of the moon. I’d fiddle with my sachet, rubbing it between my fingers to spark the warm scent of cinnamon. Sara said the sachets would protect us and increase our psychic abilities. Eventually we’d get cold and our jeans got wet from the dampness that collected in the grass as the night wore on and the candles burned down. But Sara never gave up. She’d drag me back out on the next full moon and we’d do it all over again. I went even though I hated it. The séances freaked me out. My heart would turn over every time a twig snapped or leaves rustled in the trees at the south end of the cemetery. It never scared Sara. She sat with her legs crossed and her fingers on the Ouija board, and stayed still and serene as a garden sculpture. She had no fear of shadows or sounds, the darkness or death. Nothing could shake her.
Except Claire Camille.
I knew something was wrong right away when Sara called me. Her voice was like a violin string about to snap. She told me she went to a psychic, which shouldn’t have worried me. It was nothing new for her. But she said this time was different. She said the psychic told her something was stalking her. Something, not someone. She was talking so fast. Her fear made me afraid. She said she believed the psychic, Claire. She said she knew it was true the night after her reading, when she was walking home from work and saw something across the street keeping pace with her, out of the corner of her eye. When she turned to look, to see what it was, there was nothing there. But as she moved onward, she could see it again, in her periphery. She couldn’t tell what it was, only that it moved with an unnatural gait. She said it was the way the thing moved that made her start to feel afraid. All she could tell me was that it was unnatural. And disturbing.
When she got home, she made herself a protective herb bath. She lit white candles and placed them in a circle around the tub. A few minutes after she got in, just as she was starting to feel calm again, she started to hear noises outside of the bathroom. She said it sounded like soft scratching on the door. And then she couldn’t breathe. She felt like she was drowning. She could feel water on her lips and nose even though her head was not submerged. She couldn’t suck in air and her chest felt tight, like she was being squeezed by a giant snake, she said. And then—as if she had manifested it—she could feel cold scales moving and flexing against her skin. She tried to fight against it, tried to get herself out of the water, to lift her body out of the tub, but she was slipping and thrashing. She said she couldn’t get a grip on anything. She felt dizzy and the room was swinging violently around her. Her chest got tighter and tighter and her nose and mouth felt completely enveloped. Just when she felt like she was going to pass out, she was released and fell limp back into the tub and was able to suck in wet, warm gulps of air.That was what she told me the first time she called me. She started calling sobbing and terrified every night. Even though I was far away, I felt cold and shaken, like I’d been stricken with a sudden flu, whenever the phone rang. I’d never heard Sara cry before, never witnessed her panicked. She could barely get words out, she was choking so hard on snot and tears. After the third night, after her home had been filled with the smell of decomposing flesh—like the way the mouse had smelled in her parents’ basement when they’d forgotten to check the trap for a week—and the ragged screams of her sister’s voice begging for the pain to stop had left her cowering in her closet, I knew I needed to go help Sara. The next day, I called in sick from work, packed up my car, and drove the 10 hours to her house.
She rented a really cute little place on the outskirts of town. It had an amazing garden when she moved in, but she’d made it even more beautiful. I can’t even begin to name all of the herbs and flowers and bushes and trees and vines that curled around the faded white stone cottage with its sage green shutters and iron patio furniture. In the past, whenever I visited, we ate breakfast in that garden, laughing over old memories, sipping coffee and tea, watching butterflies and bees flit around the vibrant, overgrown plants.
Everything was dying when I arrived. All of that flora was wilted and turning brown, withering to ash, despite the fact that it was May. I didn’t notice this right away. First I noticed the cop cars and the fire truck and the ambulance. All of the lights flashing danger into the black night.
The coroner told us Sara died of fright. They found her in her closet, eyes and mouth wide open in an expression her neighbor said over and over he’d never forget. It was her neighbor who found her. He’d heard her screaming and come over. He thought she was being attacked so he went in without knocking. As soon as he stepped in, the screaming stopped. He found her moments later.
They asked me if she had any family history of mental illness or psychotic breaks. She didn’t. Claire Camille said something to Sara that made her so afraid that she died. Don’t go to Claire Camille. Whatever she is doing, however it’s happening, she started the fear that killed my best friend. She is responsible and I am going to find out whatever she said or did that caused this. Until then, I just hope this review will keep people away. Claire Camille is a monster.
Tara G. 4 months ago
This happened to me too. I’m really scared. I’m seeing things the same way your friend did and I went to see Claire Camille too. Do you know any more about what happened to her? I don’t know what to do. I’m really scared.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Email me! I’m trying to get the police to look into Claire Camille. My email is mandybubbles84@hotmail.com.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Please email me. I really need to talk to you about this.
Amanda Q. 4 months ago
Please. I need your help.
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Can you please just let me know you’re ok?
Amanda Q. 3 months ago
Are you still alive? Please respond.
Amanda Q.

3 months ago
Update: I’m posting on here one more time. I’ve been staying at Sara’s for the last two months while trying to figure this out. I wasn’t sure at first, but I’ve started to see something moving in my peripheral vision. Every night, I hear Sara’s voice shrieking from the closet where they found her body. I think Claire Camille recorded Sara’s dying moments and hid speakers somewhere in this house. I don’t know how else she could be doing this. I begged the police to come and hear it for themselves, but of course nothing happened while they were here. Even if it had, I doubt they would have done anything. They don’t believe me.
Whatever is happening, I don’t think I have much time left. If anyone has any information, please contact me. If another person comes forward, they might listen. My email is mandybubbles84@hotmail.com. Please
Russell A. 2 months ago
I just emailed you. Amy’s mom finally told me how she died and it was super weird. I showed her your review and all the others. We need to talk.
Russell A. 2 months ago
Did you get my email? I gotta talk to you. There’s some stuff you should know.
Russell A. 2 months ago